R3 Fabrications Ltd - Terms of Service

1.      Estimates/Quotations

a.       Due to the nature of our business, quotes are provided as an ‘estimate’ only. Estimates are based on what can be seen from looking around the vehicle/project at the time of inspection. The estimate may change once we start the disassembly process. We reserve the right to review our estimate. However, we will inform the customer via email or phone before we proceed with further work if the estimate has changed. If the customer does not agree to us continuing to work, we reserve the right to be paid for work already carried out to this point on the vehicle/project plus storage if any.

b.       Any deviation or change in scope of work from the customer will render the original estimate null and void.

c.       Our charge out rate is charged per hour (price on enquiry) plus 12% of labour charge for consumed materials, plus GST.

d.       We reserve the right to increase our charge out rate at any given time without notice (existing jobs will be given 14 days notice).

e.       All sourced parts and outwork are charged in addition to the hourly rate and materials. R3 Fabrications will charge a markup on additional parts purchased to cover the time and cost for arranging the purchase of the parts.

f.        Any additional parts that need to be purchased must be paid for in advance by the customer, including covering the cost of any applicable freight and customs charges. If parts are purchased from overseas sources, pricing may change due to foreign currency/exchange rate fluctuations and pricing will be confirmed at the time of invoicing once the final cost is known.

g.       All estimates and charges exclude GST and all charges are subject to GST when invoiced.

2.      Timeframes

a.       Booking in a job needs to be confirmed by email or phone before delivery of the vehicle and is subject to our availability and space at the time. 

b.       Due to the nature of our work, we cannot predict exactly how long the work will take. As with the cost of the job, any project timeframes can only be given has an estimate.

3.       Payment

a.       All vehicles including parts and goods will be retained by R3 Fabrications Ltd until payment is made in full, or unless previously arranged.

b.       Invoices are generated weekly for ongoing projects and payment is expected within 7 days of issue. Work will cease if payment is not made by the invoice due date; and storage fees may apply until payment is received in full *please see below re storage fees.

c.       For all other jobs - full payment is required prior to pickup, unless previously arranged.

d.       Interest may be charged on overdue accounts at the rate of 1.5% per month. Interest will be calculated daily.

e.       Any outstanding debt may be referred to a debt collection agency after 45 days of no payment.  Any costs incurred in collecting outstanding debt will be payable by the customer.

f.        R3 Fabrications Limited are not liable for any costs or issues related to outwork from other providers (ie paint, mechanical, upholstery) and such issues are not acceptable grounds for non-payment of R3 Fabrications Ltd invoices.

g.       All payments must be made by bank transfer into the R3 Fabrications Ltd Account as listed on the invoice.  All bank fees relating to payment are the responsibility of the customer.

4.       Storage Fees

a.       If work on a vehicle ceases for reasons out of the customers control, such as (but not limited to) waiting on parts, certification process, etc, storage fees may apply.

b.       If the customer chooses to pause work, or parts cannot be obtained to continue with the work and the vehicle remains at R3 Fabrications Ltd for longer than 4 weeks (dependent on available space) a storage fee of $35.00 + GST per week will apply. The customer has the right to remove the vehicle (at their cost) during this period to avoid this storage fee.

Please also note:

·         If the customer has wire/knock off wheels on the vehicle we ask that all wheels are checked by the owner before it leaves the premises.

·         We take the utmost care when removing parts from vehicles. However, some of the older vehicles we deal with have either rusted or brittle items that are easily broken. We will not be held responsible for any damage or loss incurred in these situations.

·         All site visits to the workshop are via appointment only. Please contact R3 Fabrications Ltd via phone to book a site visit before arriving.

·         If you are not satisfied with a completed job, please contact us immediately so we can discuss this directly and take appropriate action if required

· R3 Fabrications may take photos of jobs and vehicles for promotional and social media purposes (eg Facebook, Instagram, Website). Please confirm that you agree to images of your vehicle/job being published online.